To every thing there is a season … Ecclesiastes 3

Changes, changes, changes … many years ago a sage whispered those words in my ears. Life is all about changes. My life has been witness to so many changes. There are times I wish it wasn’t so. Sure, change can be exciting and full of adventure but change can also be traumatic. Change can be so very painful.
I am packing up house again. When we bought this block of land nearly nine years ago, I wanted this to be the last move. I have moved over thirty-five times in my life. I wanted this home to be the place where I turn 90, sit in my rocker, watch the sunset, smoke a pipe and demand more wine! It was not to be. Changes, changes, changes.
There are so many changes that we face in our lives: a new relationship, or the end of one; a new job, or an employment termination; the arrival of a new family member, or the loss of a loved one that leaves us gutted and empty for years; a new home, or, like me, packing up the boxes to leave; a new tribe, or saying goodbye to a group that you poured so many years of identity and belonging into. All change requires us to adjust. All change causes stress, one way or the other.

Not all change is easily defined into the ‘good’ or ‘bad’ box. Our personal make-up, and how we perceive change, has a lot to do with how change will ultimately affect us. In some way, just like our canine companions, we are creatures of habit. We like things to stay the same. But Life refuses to pamper that notion. So is there something we can do to create greater change agility?
Perhaps the most important thing is to recognise that certitude is not really part of life’s dance. We prefer a slow and predictable waltz, yet life often demands we commit to a daring tango that will require all our focus and energy. Maybe that is why we are so drawn to absolutes, comfort and security? Deep inside we know that change is as sure as the rhythmns of the seasons, but we have become infatuated with the idea of an everlasting summer … and is that any wonder when so many modern mantras and cliches feed our false paradigms of safety and certainty.
As a person of faith, I find hope in the thought that Divine Providence holds our fragile world. Like a skilled weaver, the Author of Time is creating a magnificent, colourful tapestry that holds the tears and joy, as well as the shadow and light of history. Considering this, is it any wonder that change has been woven into the fabric of our existence? We all play a part in a compelling narrative that propels us out of comfort zones and makes us confront our embedded resistance to change.
So, dear friend, if you, like me, are facing seasons of change, I truly empathise. Each person’s story is different and there are really no trite answers to anyone’s situation. I simply believe we arrive at some intersections in our lives that often only present themselves once in a lifetime – and when they do, it is time to be brave. To be brave does not mean the absence of fear. Rather, that we refuse to allow fear to dominate that moment. So here is to you, here is to us. Let’s be brave together.
Just when I think I have learned the way to live, life changes. – Hugh Prather

Wow! This was just what I needed to hear. After a little more than 25 years here in France and 20 of those in this area we are also facing change. Something I actually embrace, still not knowing where or when our Lord directs us, we await, some days patiently and others not so much!
Wishing you much courage and extra oomph as you tackle the packing and the journey of your 36th move………
Thank you so much, Cilla. May your next season be filled with much joy and surprises 🙂
Thank you Nicole. Such an inspiring blog. As i read it and reflected on it i felt i was travelling on life’s train. Having experienced change, and awaiting change, to read about change and the different emotions that present themselves are like saying Wow “hold on, keep going, allow the change, experience it, give where it is needed, and receive when able, maybe smooth sometimes, maybe rough, but we have a loving God to cling to as well”. All the very best to you Nicole in your new season that awaits you. Love.xoxox.
Thank you so much, Aloma. Wishing you all the best in the seasons ahead. xx
‘ Change is the only constant’ – Heraclitus
so true
…Wow!!! Another insighful reflections of your life Nicole…Thank You 🙂
I also hate change …yet I love the challenges of it. I’d rather be in Melbourne and in Australia for that matter…living comfortable enviroment…good job, good friends, good home church etc. Yet something inside me craves And loves to experience travel and meet different Lives…even having to start everything from scratch.
You are an inspirational Lady Nicole.
…continue to be Blessed in the many doors ahead of You and Mark. 🙂
Thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement, Kiet. Wishing you all the best through all the seasons ahead. We carry great hope. Regards, Nic
Beautiful thoughts…. happy packing! So much love to you and yours. xoxo
Thank you, Helen. sending much love to you and family xx
Beautiful beautiful beautiful
Just like you.
Written so well
I love this :
As a person of faith, I find hope in the thought that Divine Providence holds our fragile world. Like a skilled weaver, the Author of Time is creating a magnificent, colourful tapestry that holds the tears and joy, as well as the shadow and light of history. Considering this, is it any wonder that change has been woven into the fabric of our existence?
Love xxx
Thanks so much, Lisa. Love you xx
The changes in your life have been huge Nic. I for one am always afraid of change, hoping for that elusive endless summer while knowing full well the leaves that are giving me shade will soon fall. I go into each season griping onto God who has not abandoned me even though the seasons were trying.
Thanks for sharing this, was very helpful and encouraging.
Nic, all the best in your next season.
Thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement, Priscilla. I trust that the hope you carry will also carry you through the seasons ahead. With much love xx