“The cry we hear from deep in our hearts comes from the wounded child within. Healing this inner child’s pain is the key to transforming anger, sadness, and fear.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh One of my newly acquired COVID hobbies is to sort through boxes of old photos … slowly. COVID has brought the luxury…Continue reading Loving You
Tag: Jesus
Falling Down the Rabbit Hole: The Emperor has No Clothes (Part 3)
Last year I contributed to a book edited by Tim Carson with the title of Neither Here Nor There: The Many Voices of Liminality. The book draws together the expertise, experience, and insights of a coterie of authors, all of whom relate the core concepts of liminality to their unique experiences. Unfortunately, this book is…Continue reading Falling Down the Rabbit Hole: The Emperor has No Clothes (Part 3)
Falling Down the Rabbit Hole: The Safety of Institution and an Addiction to Certainty
Last year I contributed to a book edited by Tim Carson with the title of Neither Here Nor There: The Many Voices of Liminality. The book draws together the expertise, experience, and insights of a coterie of authors, all of whom relate the core concepts of liminality to their unique experiences. Unfortunately, this book is…Continue reading Falling Down the Rabbit Hole: The Safety of Institution and an Addiction to Certainty
Falling Down the Rabbit Hole: Meandering Paths (Part 1)
Last year I contributed to a book edited by Tim Carson with the title of Neither Here Nor There: The Many Voices of Liminality. The book draws together the expertise, experience, and insights of a coterie of authors, all of whom relate the core concepts of liminality to their unique experiences. Unfortunately, this book is…Continue reading Falling Down the Rabbit Hole: Meandering Paths (Part 1)
A Thought for 2018: Be Kind … To Yourself!
“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” – Rumi – It has taken me a very long time to come to grips with how harshly I often judge myself. Those familiar with the Enneagram will understand the…Continue reading A Thought for 2018: Be Kind … To Yourself!
Have Your Cake And Eat It Too: Protecting Our Religious Rights!
“When we hide discrimination under the guise of ‘religious freedom,’ we make a mockery of human rights.” – DaShanne Stokes – There’s been a lot of talk around our fair isle about preserving ‘religious rights’ and ‘religious freedom’ in the last few months. The fear is palpable and has been used to keep campaigns alive…Continue reading Have Your Cake And Eat It Too: Protecting Our Religious Rights!
The Shepherd’s Psalm
Whether you are a person of faith or not, it is highly likely that at some stage in your life, perhaps at a wedding, christening or funeral, you would have heard the famous Psalm 23: The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. 2 He makes me lie down in green pastures,…Continue reading The Shepherd’s Psalm
What The Sea Teaches Us
“Listening through the heart is not something you must learn to do. It is something you need only reclaim and remember.” – Stephanie Dowrick – I loved going to the sea ever since I can remember. In Germany it was the chilly harbours along the North Sea. The fishermen would sit there like a line…Continue reading What The Sea Teaches Us
New Streets and Old Maps
“Not all those who wander are lost …” – Bilbo Baggins In the 1990’s nearly every car in Melbourne still had an often mangled, coffee-stained Melway in the back seat. In the ‘good old days’ we did not have any fancy satellite navigation systems that talk to you in that annoying, patronising voice (you can…Continue reading New Streets and Old Maps
A Thrill of Hope
A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices, For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn. – Adolphe Adam – Simeon’s Moment by Ron Dicianni It’s that time of year again. While some folks claim there is a ‘war on Christmas’, it takes very little research to discover that this apocalyptic, deluded conspiracy theory holds…Continue reading A Thrill of Hope