“For now we see through a glass … darkly.” (St Paul) I still recall the day I walked into the schoolyard with my new pair of glasses. I was all of six years old and I would love to say that my glasses framed my delicate features. No! They didn’t! My glasses literally ate…Continue reading Unknowing
Tag: Faith
Out and Visible: Roe’s Story
You may have noticed the increasing vitriol from sections of the Australian media and politics against transgender rights and inclusion. An example would be The Australian‘s strong anti-trans coverage that highlights this growing backlash. Have you ever asked yourself what it would feel like to be at the receiving end of such hostility directed at you…Continue reading Out and Visible: Roe’s Story
On the Move Again … !!!
“She took a step and didn’t want to take any more, but she did.” – Mark Zusak (The Book Thief) I have moved thirty-seven times in my life, or maybe thirty-eight?? I can’t remember – but I moved a lot. Today I was again knee deep in boxes, packing and reducing the evidence of my existence…Continue reading On the Move Again … !!!
Psalm 139: Treasures of Darkness – Guest Post by Tim Carson
Friends make the world a much better place and when you find a new friend you feel the universe smiling on you 🙂 This is a guest post by a new friend, Tim Carson. Tim is a writer, musician, holds a D.Min, pastor, traveller, horseman, scuba diver, healer, and when the weather is fair found…Continue reading Psalm 139: Treasures of Darkness – Guest Post by Tim Carson
Katecia’s Story: Resilience, Courage and Grace
I met Katecia (Teash) a couple of years ago. Over time we began chatting and I had the privilege of listening to some of her story of courage, resilience and quiet grace. Today I would like to thank Teash for making time to share some of her life experience for this BLOG post. I have…Continue reading Katecia’s Story: Resilience, Courage and Grace
A Letter to My Heart
“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.” – Helen Keller It was a remarkable experience to observe my heart on the echocardiographer’s screen. A tiny benefit of having a sudden onset of heart palpitations and the myriad of tests…Continue reading A Letter to My Heart
A very brief Introduction to Christian Fundamentalism
“There are few things more dangerous than inbred religious certainty.” – Bart D. Ehrman This is a REPOST of a blog I wrote a couple of years ago … most fitting at this time of Australian religious and political discussions! There is a danger in assuming that every Christian belief and practice that we adhere to…Continue reading A very brief Introduction to Christian Fundamentalism
Life’s Most Ignored Partner: Death
“It is hard to have patience with people who say, ‘There is no death’ or ‘Death doesn’t matter.’ There is death. And whatever it is matters. And whatever happens has consequences, and it and they are irrevocable and irreversible. You might as well say that birth doesn’t matter.” – C.S. Lewis – My sprightly father…Continue reading Life’s Most Ignored Partner: Death
Joy and the Narrow Path
This post is dedicated to the LGBTI community who were and are a prophetic voice in my life – I am forever grateful. On the 15th April it was two years since Dean Beck, Nathan Despott and I sat down at the Joy FM Radio station and recorded an interview to discuss the damage done to LGBTI…Continue reading Joy and the Narrow Path
Reflections on Faith & Superstition
“Fear is the main source of superstition, and one of the main sources of cruelty. To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom.” Bertrand Russell Myth, legend and superstition: the stuff of my childhood. Those familiar with Norse and Germanic mythology will know some of the popular Icelandic sagas like The Saga of Volsungs, with…Continue reading Reflections on Faith & Superstition