“The cry we hear from deep in our hearts comes from the wounded child within. Healing this inner child’s pain is the key to transforming anger, sadness, and fear.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh One of my newly acquired COVID hobbies is to sort through boxes of old photos … slowly. COVID has brought the luxury…Continue reading Loving You
Tag: crisis
When Global Crisis Comes Knocking at our Door …
… you can say “it’s a hoax” and “it will go away”, but like world leaders have found out, this was not the case for COVID-19. A crisis does not go away because some demagogue wishes it so. A crisis like a pandemic knocks at the door, then bashes it in and unleashes hell. COVID-19…Continue reading When Global Crisis Comes Knocking at our Door …
A Chat with Kathy Baldock: Ally and Advocate – Part TWO
Dear Reader, this BLOG post is the second part of an interview with Kathy Baldock. For Part One please see this link. 4. Many religious people have expressed their concern as they see ‘homosexual behaviour’ as a sin against God and against Scripture. In fact, the Bible has been used as one of the main tools of…Continue reading A Chat with Kathy Baldock: Ally and Advocate – Part TWO
A Chat with Kathy Baldock: Ally and Advocate – Part ONE
I was excited to meet Kathy Baldock in person last year when she visited Australia. Over the years I have admired her staunch support as an ally and advocate for the LGBTIQ community. Her writing is well-researched, articulate and informative (you can find more information about Kathy on this link). I am so pleased that…Continue reading A Chat with Kathy Baldock: Ally and Advocate – Part ONE